Perpetual Learner- The adventure of going back to school

Thursday, March 17, 2005

the beginning...

As a perpetual learner I thought I should start a blog of my own. Or at least learn how to do it. I am truly learning this blogging thing as I am trying to put another blog on my own server, a job in itself! But then I am an artist and not a computer person so that is making it a bit more difficult. Still, I try to learn whatever I have to so that I can succeed and proceed with all of my creative endeavors.

I am one of those lucky people who back in the early 80’s slipped right into the booming industry and gained all sorts of experience. The problem with that is that I dropped out of school because I was bored. Now at 44 I am finding that the degree is more important than it ever was at 20. I am a master sculptor and when contacting a local college about teaching sculpture they said, “ I can see you are a master sculptor but do you have a masters degree?” “To teach art”, I thought?

So I have been piddling around at the community college taking a class here or there, thinking, “this will take forever.”…


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