Perpetual Learner- The adventure of going back to school

Saturday, September 24, 2005

It is good to have a dog durring a hurricane

The electricity is finally gone and I wonder how long it will be off?

I can feel the house shake a bit during those big gusts of wind. Several times the French doors feel like they will be blown right open. I wonder if I should put a chair in front of them. I can’t believe everyone else is sleeping. How can they sleep? Different people in the house come out at different times throughout the evening. Once my father in law said he was going outside for a walk, and I was furious. I’m thinking, “Sure go outside get hit on the head and I have to go and get you.” He huffed at my insistence and went back to his room.

I called my other dog, Chas a retriever, onto my air mattress. I can hear the wind howl, I keep wondering what is making that low howl sound? Chas keeps me company until I called Chris, my daughter in Tulsa, I can’t believe the phone is still working. I woke her up and asked her to keep me company. We talked until Tony woke up.


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