Perpetual Learner- The adventure of going back to school

Monday, October 03, 2005

As I review my future...

I was remembering the first time I contacted Vermont College. It was because I saw that they had an undergraduate program with a concentration in Art Therapy. I had forgotten about that until now. Art therapy seems to be a thread that has run throughout my life and my adventures in art. I even put together a program entitled EXPRESS YOURSELF! It was brought into the inner city schools and therapy centers.

So I say all of this because I am thinking about my masters. If I focus on art therapy I cannot get an MFA, it would be an MA. If I don't get an MFA, then I cannot teach art in a college setting. I am not sure I want to do that, but it would be nice to have that open. I am already a professional artist making a pretty good living with my art. I am, however, writing more. Everything I write and the books that I want to write have that thread of art therapy in them. I am thinking that having a focus on this for my education might lend more credibility for the readers of my future books.

So I made a decision. To try and see if Vermont College can design a program for me, or help me to design one that has a focus on art therapy. That way I can do my undergrad work in it and then if I really like it pursue it further.
I'll let you know how that goes.


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