Perpetual Learner- The adventure of going back to school

Friday, July 24, 2009

I thought rain on a tin roof was supposed to be soothing?

I woke up early this morning about 5 am. Which is strange because Houston time is an hour earlier. It is probably because my room window is over a shed with a tin roof and it is raining. this is supposed to be soothing right? My it is loud in here. The window is open with a fan. It is also directly under the stairs. It is not the quietest of rooms. I had thought about asking to move. I hate to make a fuss and I also hate to change everything. Settle in again. Take my mattress cover off and remake the bed etc. I don’t want to be a bother but I also know that residency can take a lot out of you. It is up to me to make myself as comfortable as possible so that I can get as much out of the experience as possible.

Breakfast is not until 7:45. I have a tea cup but did not bring a tea bag. A cup of hot tea would be nice about now. I hope to be able to get an extra from the cafeteria. I’m glad I brought a cup. I was thinking I wish I had a travel mug. But I always like to have a glass mug in my hands in the morning. There is something very comforting about the feel of a mug with hot tea.

Maybe I’ll hit the gift shop. A water bottle would be nice but of course a plastic water bottle from the cafeteria will work, if I can get one. I’m saving mine from the trip, because I bought this small room humidifier just incase the air is dry here. It requires a small bottle. I ordered the humidifier from Amazon and it has not arrived. I’m very thankful that low humidity not a problem. I will prepare for that in winter. In Vermont College during undergrad studies a young women brought one each year. She packed it in her suitcase, used it during the day and let me have it at night. It was great. I’m so used to Texas humidity that the winter dry air with heat is hard on my skin, nose and breathing at night. I’ll also want to find a dorm where I can control the heat in winter. You would think that coming from Texas I would be used to the heat. But really we sleep with AC all of the time. So sleeping in heat is not a good thing for me. I’d rather be cold and cuddle under blankets. Winter residency is in, I think February, more questions to ask.


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