Sent this information out to G1's- Mid semester.
The unofficial welcoming committee is checking in with each of you. I hope I have everyone’s e-mail and have not missed anyone.
Packet 3 is off and we are more than ½ way to residency. The time, I am sure, will fly by and we will soon be in residency again. Then you will be G2’s and watching, with empathy, the "deer in the headlight look" on the faces of the incoming G’1s.
I am sure some of you have compared notes with packets and advisors and have found that each is very different. I hope you have enjoyed your advisor and your semester. For me there was still some floundering in my G1 as I was wondering some things about the end of the semester and the up and coming residency.
I thought I would address some of those questions.
Notices will come out or you should pay attention to not only packet dates but also doing your evaluation on your SIS. This is just like you filled out your study plan for this semester and study plan as a whole. After your last packet you need to evaluate your semester. Then your advisor will evaluate your semester as well. Key here is once again, look at the degree criteria and be sure that you include that within your evaluation. In the end that is what is looked at, meeting the degree criteria. ( think of degree criteria when you are planning your up and coming semesters.) I have had some advisors ask for information in the last packet that will help them fill out the evaluation of you. That really depends on the advisor.
Another thing to note is that you will be asked to pick your top three choices for advisors. This is hard for G1’s because many don’t really “know” the other advisors. So this is a good time to review the advisors. A list will come out of who is available for the up and coming semester. Here is a link to the faculty- note it is both Port Townsend and Plainfield. It also has their bio’s.
I have, in the past, asked for a phone meeting with a potential advisor before residency and filling out this request. Some will oblige.
No guarantees to get what you want, and some don’t pick, wait until residency, and let it be a roll of the dice.
Notices will come out for anyone wanting to do presentations workshops etc. Of course you don’t have to create a workshop or presentation. It is, however, open to the student body.

Everything else is as it is with summer, except colder and not as much outdoor activity. We do still have fires outside the music room, though the musicians are all inside. (Hint everyone makes turns at the fire, rotate to keep warm.) Some of my photographs of winter res can be found on my facebook page.!/album.php?aid=2000394&id=119700029
I especially think that the one of the bundled student in the chair is pertinent to the outdoor experience around the fire.
Some people still planned outdoor art. One person made a wall of snow and projected images on it. Anyone into building snow art? I might be tempted. Bring your mittens or gloves. And of course, art still appears around campus, so bring what you would like to show.
Dorms seem to be well-heated matter of fact some rooms are very hot! So dress in layers. There are often warnings about winter residency and sickness. I would advise doubling up on vitamins, bring meds and wash hands often. Last winter they advised bowing instead of hugging and shaking hands. Protect yourself and your health. We know how very stimulating and exciting residency can be… Stay healthy.

Some people like to think about their study plan and formulate their study plan and potential bib before residency. I know I have done this and it makes residency so much smoother. Though your plan may change as you are working through your residency. It is a great jumping off point. This is something you can work on in between last packet and residency. All in all your g2 residency will be so less hectic.
Your next semester will mean the G2 report. That means a little extra work. Yes, I know how can your write a report on an experience that you are just beginning to have? We all asked the same question. But as a G2 you might check the addendum to see what a G2 report entails. Some people might also be thinking about what preparations they need to make if their G3 practicum means doing preliminary work.
You knew this was coming. You are going back as G’2s There will be new people coming in that will be as uncertain as you were coming in. Do you want to help me welcome them? Being on the welcoming committee is really not a huge commitment. IF you can arrive early, before 5 on Thursday and meet us in the lobby between registration and the cafeteria for snacks and to chat that is great. I also ask that if newcomers need help getting to their dorms, or directions or whatever that committee members help out. It is really just being helpful and friendly, which I am sure everyone would be doing already. The only difference is that I would like to put your picture on the unofficial welcoming committee. That way new people can have a face and get to know someone. So, if you would like to be a part, just send me your name and a picture If you know your dorm room ( some people have the same dorm) let me have that as well. Then I’ll put that on the list I pass out to the new G1’s. If you can get this to me at the semester end it gives me enough time to compile a list. Oh yes, and if you happened to live in the Vermont area, I am searching for someone to help purchase snacks and goodies. You will be reimbursed. Let me know if you can do this.
I’m still not allowed to have the new G1 list before residency, though I am trying to make that happen. I think it is important to have contact with a student before they come to give them information and ground them in the experience. . Jackie will send out a notice to G1‘s before they come letting them know about our gathering between 3-5. I also try to group the G1’s for dinner with a couple of welcoming committee people at the large tables in the middle of the cafeteria—just as we did for ya’ll. Some of us will also go to their meeting with Jackie in the cottage. Let me know if any of you are interested in participating in that. Anyone not officially joining the welcoming committee, but wanting to come and chat with us and have some free goodies before dinner, please do. That is what we need- upper class men to say hi and talk about their experience.
In the meantime- contact me if you have any other questions or concerns as the semester comes to a close or prior to residency. My e-mail is Bridgette ( the at sign) and my phone number is in the directory . I'm also on skype. Have a great rest of the semester and a safe travel to Goddard.
PS if you don’t have the MFAIA addendum and want me to send it to you I can. I have it as a pdf. I think you can get it online at the Goddard website. But I am unsure of where I got it.
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