I'm on the last round of the portfolio

It is hard to believe, I'm almost through with the graduate program at Goddard.
This semester was very hard for me. not so much for academic reasons but for personal reasons. I had a project with a huge time constraint, an 11 foot panther for Prairie View A & M. A bronze that was due by the 11th of November. I worked many 14 hour days on this thing.
Add to that my father passed away in the middle of the semester. Everything stopped as I tried to take care of his affairs.
And we had found ourselves fostering 17 kittens.
Finding time to write the thesis was difficult. Plus I was going in the wrong direction when I started. More on that in the next post. The panther will be installed this friday, the last portfolio/thesis packet is due the following monday and the end of school is just in a few weeks. So there you go. I have never, ever been so glad to hear the words from my advisor, "you are good to graduate."
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