
Do you hear that sigh of relief? My book is complete and off to the publisher and my first Goddard G2 packet is sent into my adviser. Of course, I must go full force into packet number two, but I thought I would take a moment to update this blog. (For those new people reading this blog your study consists of two residencies a year on campus and then when you go home you must create 5 packets of work, per semester to send to your adviser.)
Looking at my last residency post I see that the last time I posted was on Saturday the 30th. So let me proceed from there.
As a recap remember that residency starts on a Friday, though many students get in on a Thursday. And many had a difficult time getting in because of the snow. I have made a mental note to always try and get the earliest flights during winter residency, just in case. The first days of residency have such a different feel from the last days. From Thursday until Friday there are new students, G1’s who are trying to find their way about campus and their way around the "student driven learning process "and meanwhile the graduating students are preparing to leave.
All of the returning students have study groups that were assigned last semester. These meet several times before graduation. Here is my study group from last semester with my adviser. We had three graduates in our study group- David, eric and Kaendra. I will miss them all.
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