Monday- the atmosphere changes.

Monday- the atmosphere changes.
New study groups will soon be posted and individuals will meet with their new advisers and group. Plus everyone is busy trying to write their study plans. There are still plenty of workshops, etc that are on the schedule. But with the graduates gone and the new students settling in the atmosphere is quite different.
The two questions bantered about as meal conversation, “who is your adviser” and “what is or what was your study focus.” Everyone is so passionate about what they are doing it is exciting to hear their intensity and focus.
We escape to Montpelier and my favorite place to eat on Meatless Monday. I love getting off campus. It truly feels like an escape. On the way back to campus our driver is kind enough to stop by the sculpture I created of Dick Hathaway and is part of the T.W .Wood Collection. It is up at the Montpelier Vermont College campus. I love taking a picture of him with my classmates. Another tradition!

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