Perpetual Learner- The adventure of going back to school

Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday morning

the energy always changes on a Monday. the graduates are gone and things settle down to work.

I'm not first inline for breakfast this morning. I don't know how it happens but I always seem to be first. I think it is because it is an hour earlier in Texas and so 7:30 is really easy. though my neighbor told her roomate yesterday... "wake me for lunch."
I can hardly believe I'm not first. I know this because I look at the clock and it is 7:30 and I'm sitting here in PJ's posting. We meet with our advisers and groups today. Begin to talk about what we think our semesters will hold. G1's look a little less freaked.

It will have to be laundry day. Perhaps I should go there before breakfast. I don't have to be in advising groups until a little later. Yes, clean clothes are a must!

Posting more thoughts and pictures on this Monday later in the day.

Oh yes, and we are doing our traditional Sarducees for dinner. I can hardly wait.


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