Mid semester review
Forgot about this for the new G1's. There is a mid semester review that is coming out from the school. A link will come into your e mail account. I linked my Goddard account so it comes into my creativesculpture website e-mail. So when sent to the Google applications to fill in these forms I get confused. When the link sends you to google applications just use your first.last name and your password at Goddard. This is confusing if you have a google account other than what is at Goddard. I'm posting this reminder so that if I forget, again, I can refer to this post in the future.
They are basic questions. Are you able to send your packets in on time, are you able to receive them on time etc. I did mention one thing for the question
Do you feel well-served by the program? What do you particularly like about the program and/or feel needs improvement?
Do you have any issues or concerns that need the assistance of the Program Director? If so, what are they?
I do wish that we, as students, had one person we could go to that would be there throughout our time at Goddard. Someone who is kind of a academic counselor. Trying to work with each individual advisor who does not have the overall picture is frustrating.
I'm a G3 but really wish there was one person who could help me put everything together. I have one more semester. How can I be sure I am utilizing that last semester before my portfolio to the best of my advantage? How can I be sure that no one is going to come to me in my 4th semester and say... You need more semesters? I feel I have and am meeting the degree criteria but it would be good to bounce things of off someone. I have made arrangements to talk to Jackie before arriving at residency. Here I am a G3 and am wondering does Jackie act as an academic advisor for the entire program? Though I love the structure of Goddard and did of Vermont College the one thing Vermont College had that I have not found at Goddard is this person who is aware of your entire study. Often I feel like I am floundering. Perhaps they are trying to teach me to be all grown up and figure it out on my own. Still... I feel I need some feedback.
So that is my two cents on that topic.
They are basic questions. Are you able to send your packets in on time, are you able to receive them on time etc. I did mention one thing for the question
Do you feel well-served by the program? What do you particularly like about the program and/or feel needs improvement?
Do you have any issues or concerns that need the assistance of the Program Director? If so, what are they?
I do wish that we, as students, had one person we could go to that would be there throughout our time at Goddard. Someone who is kind of a academic counselor. Trying to work with each individual advisor who does not have the overall picture is frustrating.
I'm a G3 but really wish there was one person who could help me put everything together. I have one more semester. How can I be sure I am utilizing that last semester before my portfolio to the best of my advantage? How can I be sure that no one is going to come to me in my 4th semester and say... You need more semesters? I feel I have and am meeting the degree criteria but it would be good to bounce things of off someone. I have made arrangements to talk to Jackie before arriving at residency. Here I am a G3 and am wondering does Jackie act as an academic advisor for the entire program? Though I love the structure of Goddard and did of Vermont College the one thing Vermont College had that I have not found at Goddard is this person who is aware of your entire study. Often I feel like I am floundering. Perhaps they are trying to teach me to be all grown up and figure it out on my own. Still... I feel I need some feedback.
So that is my two cents on that topic.
I love this blog, Bridgette. I use it as a guide, even though I am in the Port Townsend MFAIA, in a cohort which is a few behind yours, in Residencies which fall a few weeks after yours. Keep up the good work.
Rachel Rutherford, at 3:55 PM
Yes, I think there is a lot of information. I do wish their was a search option as SOmetimes I can't find what I posted. But reading through it is SO helpful. Please pass it on to others. Also, if you have permission and want to do a guest posting about our sister school I'd love to include it. Might even add something about the cohorts and how that is going.
isculpt, at 4:26 PM
Okay. Which address should I send a guest post to? Or email it to realrachel@gmail.com, if you prefer not to broadcast it.
Rachel Rutherford, at 10:33 PM
Okay, I wrote it. How do you want me to give it to you? Or, do you want to temporarily make me an author of this blog? I wrote the rough draft in another blog, but don't know whether -- if I insert pictures -- if they will come across. I will send you the text first, you can see if this is what you were thinking of. Or, if this is too long, just feel free to pick out a few sentences that the VT MFAIA folks would find interesting.
Tell me what email to send it to.
My google name is realrachel at gmail dot com; you can invite me there.
Rachel Rutherford, at 11:42 PM
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