Today the semester is officially underway-

Today the semester is officially underway. I am sorry I have not posted about residency or about what I learned about packets, and other pertinent school stuff that I learned at residency. Nor have I posted photographs. I was a bit ill at residency and then got right to work on packet work as soon as I returned home.
I promise more posts to come very soon.
For now if G1's are looking at this post I wanted to share some links with you.
I used to have a proofreader. Now I use I think they will give you a trial version. It does not "fix" your papers, but it will help you by telling you the errors. This is a great way to learn.
I also believe that Genie Rayner is doing proofreading. Though she does charge. She is very familiar with the program at Goddard because she came from Vermont College. Vermont College actually purchased the program from Goddard. Check with her on facebook and ask her if she gives a discount to a struggling student.
Of course many of us have our spouses and friends look over our work.
I know many people use refworks, but I like to do my own and store them on my computer.
Here are some suggestions when it comes to a bibliography
This website will format your citation in MLA format for you. Do check out Son of a Citation Machine. Works for me.
I also like looking up my mla citation by the isbn number in a book using OttoBib. How easy is that? Of course I'm running to Amazon to get the isbn number of the book I just read, but then that is fine with me. OttoBib saves me so much time.
Bib- suggestions.
- I am sure you have heard it already. You should try to annotate your bibliography as you go along. You will be required to do this for your portfolio and it will save you a ton of time if you can do it now.
- I keep a word document on my computer and compile my bibs after each packet, then after each semester. By the time I am doing my portfolio in G5 my bib section will be complete.
There are a ton more suggestions in this blog if you care to float through it. I have learned a good deal that I want to post about portfolios, and graduation etc.
The 2011 contact list for the spring 2011 semester is now available. You can find it by following this Goddard link and submitting your student ID and password.
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