My detailed and growing packing list
Packing List
As promised Here is an updated packing list. Feel free to print it out and use it if you like. I'll be adding to it in the next few days.
____ Notebook and or sketchbook for taking notes
____ Lap top computer- Be sure I have
1. backed up everything
2. Have presentation material on there in case I am asked to show my work to my new study group.
3. Am I doing a workshop? Do I have presentation material?
4. Have I been working on a study plan or bib? Do I have that or is it being stored on Student Information System (SIS)?
5. Do I have all contact information SKYPE etc in case I want to chat?
6. Do I have a way to get my e mails (if you own your own website and domain name you may not be able to send messages from campus through your mail browser on your computer. Instead you will have to set up a way to get mail from your server client off of your server.)
____ pack pictures, artwork or performance material. Don't forget about Cabaret!
____ Power Strip ( most rooms have one but I bring one just in case)
_____ Grey three prong adapter ( you can rent one at the help desk for a one dollar)
_____Small fan. Each room has a fan. I bring one with me when i travel for white noise.
_____Pretty things- some friends like to decorate their dorms when they come. A poster etc. My Goddard hat is my decoration. However I do like to bring a small towel. I use my suitcase as an end table and I like to have something to cover it.
______Small flash light that doubles as night light on my suitcase end table
______Personal travel humidifier- I bring this in winter
______ Small amount of duct tape- did this by accident one semester. I now duck tape my humidifier to my bedpost and sometimes do the same with the small flashlight.
_______Hangers? I have left so many hangers in the same dorm room each residency I think there will be plenty.
_______ Mattress cover- I know I am a total nerd, and have allergies. So I cover my mattress with a hypoallergenic mattress cover. I must say that recently with the bed bug scare I have ulterior motives for this process.
_______Pillow case cover - again the allergy thing. I will do anything to stay healthy at residency.
_______ WIPES- I heard an advisor doing this and decided with flue season I would do the same. Found some at the drug store. Plan on wiping down the surfaces in my dorm room. I know I am really a nut. You should see me at the salad bar. One person asked me if I was Kosher or something. I'm not sure what that had to do with anything, but it was because I didn't like to touch the prongs on the salad bar without a napkin. Now everyone will be looking at me a bit strange. I am however already going to residency coming of a server case of bronchitis and breathing problems. I will do anything to stay healthy or try at least.
______ tea cup and tea bags. Yes, I am strange but I love my tea cup. I hate drinking out of plastic or paper and in the morning I love to have a cup of tea while I wake. Plus I play my tea cup as an instrument in the music room or fire. I use my dorm room key. I love the sound it makes. Hey if others can play a drawer I can play my tea cup. ( one might notice that it will have a red stain in the bottom at the fire as it is used for wine as well)
______ cork screw. The above post reminded me. If anyone needs one, mental note Kilaptrik Bridgette has one!
______ Snacks. some of these might be left over from the plane, some might be from the store and others from the cafeteria. But I like to have something in my room to offer guests and munch on.
______I now pack a plastic tea bag holder as well. In the shape of a tea pot!
As promised Here is an updated packing list. Feel free to print it out and use it if you like. I'll be adding to it in the next few days.
____ Notebook and or sketchbook for taking notes
____ Lap top computer- Be sure I have
1. backed up everything
2. Have presentation material on there in case I am asked to show my work to my new study group.
3. Am I doing a workshop? Do I have presentation material?
4. Have I been working on a study plan or bib? Do I have that or is it being stored on Student Information System (SIS)?
5. Do I have all contact information SKYPE etc in case I want to chat?
6. Do I have a way to get my e mails (if you own your own website and domain name you may not be able to send messages from campus through your mail browser on your computer. Instead you will have to set up a way to get mail from your server client off of your server.)
____An extra writable CD or two. The help desk also sells these and at two residencies I have needed this.
____ Online camera to video chat with kids, family friends etc.
____ Pen drive and lanyard so that I can take my work off of my computer and bring it to the computer lab to print out. The lab can tell you how to print if off of your lap top, but in case you don't feel like lugging your computer down to the lab.
____ Ethernet cable ( most rooms have one, but I bring one anyway)
____ highlighters- I like to highlight my schedule. that thing will be like an extension of your person for the next week. Organize it in anyway that you like.
____ a couple of post its, in case I need to leave notes on friends or advisers door.
____ Online camera to video chat with kids, family friends etc.
____ Pen drive and lanyard so that I can take my work off of my computer and bring it to the computer lab to print out. The lab can tell you how to print if off of your lap top, but in case you don't feel like lugging your computer down to the lab.
____ Ethernet cable ( most rooms have one, but I bring one anyway)
____ highlighters- I like to highlight my schedule. that thing will be like an extension of your person for the next week. Organize it in anyway that you like.
____ a couple of post its, in case I need to leave notes on friends or advisers door.
____ Small binder for papers. THis is essential in G1, not so much in the other G's unless you are that type of person. I save everything for when I come home. I used to also take a traveling three ring punch, but now I just go to the lab and punch anything I feel the need to. ALSO NOTE- The Welcoming committee will be having binders from Goddard for those wanting them Pockets and they a re free. If they are available.
____ travel hole punch, but often leave that at home and if I need to punch anything will do so in the computer lab.
____Mouse and mouse pad
____Mouse and mouse pad
____ Camera and charger and case
_____phone and charger
____ business cards
____ pack pictures, artwork or performance material. Don't forget about Cabaret!
____ Power Strip ( most rooms have one but I bring one just in case)
_____ Grey three prong adapter ( you can rent one at the help desk for a one dollar)
_____Small fan. Each room has a fan. I bring one with me when i travel for white noise.
_____Pretty things- some friends like to decorate their dorms when they come. A poster etc. My Goddard hat is my decoration. However I do like to bring a small towel. I use my suitcase as an end table and I like to have something to cover it.
______Small flash light that doubles as night light on my suitcase end table
______Personal travel humidifier- I bring this in winter
______ Small amount of duct tape- did this by accident one semester. I now duck tape my humidifier to my bedpost and sometimes do the same with the small flashlight.
_______Hangers? I have left so many hangers in the same dorm room each residency I think there will be plenty.
_______ Mattress cover- I know I am a total nerd, and have allergies. So I cover my mattress with a hypoallergenic mattress cover. I must say that recently with the bed bug scare I have ulterior motives for this process.
_______Pillow case cover - again the allergy thing. I will do anything to stay healthy at residency.
_______ WIPES- I heard an advisor doing this and decided with flue season I would do the same. Found some at the drug store. Plan on wiping down the surfaces in my dorm room. I know I am really a nut. You should see me at the salad bar. One person asked me if I was Kosher or something. I'm not sure what that had to do with anything, but it was because I didn't like to touch the prongs on the salad bar without a napkin. Now everyone will be looking at me a bit strange. I am however already going to residency coming of a server case of bronchitis and breathing problems. I will do anything to stay healthy or try at least.
______ tea cup and tea bags. Yes, I am strange but I love my tea cup. I hate drinking out of plastic or paper and in the morning I love to have a cup of tea while I wake. Plus I play my tea cup as an instrument in the music room or fire. I use my dorm room key. I love the sound it makes. Hey if others can play a drawer I can play my tea cup. ( one might notice that it will have a red stain in the bottom at the fire as it is used for wine as well)
______ cork screw. The above post reminded me. If anyone needs one, mental note Kilaptrik Bridgette has one!
______ Snacks. some of these might be left over from the plane, some might be from the store and others from the cafeteria. But I like to have something in my room to offer guests and munch on.
______I now pack a plastic tea bag holder as well. In the shape of a tea pot!
_____ Plastic bag to put dirty clothes in
_____ Some detergent to wash dirty clothes. I always wash on wednesday.
_____ Bag used to go to the bathroom carry towel, toiletries etc.
______ Extra towel- They provide one prickly one. I like my own. I also put their towel over my radiator in my dorm room at night, wet of course, to give me more moisture in the room.
_____ Face towel and wash cloth
___ Housecoat or some sort of covering to get back and forth in from the bathroom and showers. Some dorms are coed and the opposite sex does come visiting from time to time.
____Travel alarm clock. I know most people use their cell phone. I'm in the stone age!
____umbrella- packed for spring/summer res
____Sunglasses and case
____hat, scarf, gloves, boots- winter
____baseball cap - summer
____Cash- especially if you are going to be dividing up that cab ride coming in. See other posts about sharing rides to cut down cost.
____Long underwear- not something I would want on during the day to day activities. In my opinion they keep the buildings so hot it is unnecessary, but if you did like to hang at the fire at night in the snow in the winter, or take long hikes in the woods, then yes, bring some. FYI G1's will have little time to do anything, and the time they do have should be spent resting. It is taxing that first residency. Come prepared- read through this blog to see how to do that. Of course there is nothing that says that your relaxing is sitting at night by the fire with a glass of wine very warm in long underwear!
I am not sure how some people can pack and not do laundry throughout the week. But I do laundry on Wed. That is why I bring
___ small packet of laundry detergent. I hear they have little packets like they put in the dishwasher but for laundry. Might be a good investment for residency
____ you know what you need to pack for clothes. I have found that dressing in layers is best. Sweaters in the winter might be nice for some but my body temperature changes and some buildings are very hot. Plus I might add, dressing in layers takes less room in my suitcase. As it is I pack a lot of crap.
I bag everything. It just makes it easier. I can go through a box of large freezer bags when packing. I like to put all liquids in double bags. Plus I bag clothes, socks etc. These are the really large bags that you get from the store. Then I just take the bags out and put them in the drawer upon arrival.
Every time I am headed off to school, my husband pokes his head in and says, "wow this is a lot of crap." Or "pack light." There are some that can do this. I on the other hand, well. I like to think of it as prepared. Now who took my power strip from the drawer where I store these items in between semesters? I'm surprised how much walking, how much pacing one does to find these things. Up to the office, out to the studio. back to the garage, in one bedroom, back into the spare room where everything is on the bed and slowly being packed. will be done packing by tomorrow evening. Then... my packing list should be complete.
isculpt, at 3:27 AM
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