Booking a photographer at residency

If you are interested in taking part in our new website -- our digital database of artists at Goddard, and you need a headshot or a promo photograph to put into your page, we have volunteer photographers that will be scheduling shoots at residency.
There will be sign up sheets that each photographer will post on the bulletin board at residency. Look for a vacant spot on their sheet and sign up. I'll also be sending an em ail out at residency to talk about this.
G3 Student Heather McFadden has graciously decided to head up the committee of photographers at residency. If you are a photographer and want to help, please e-mail me or facebook me and I'll put you in contact with Heather. Please also send me a sample of your photography so others can see it. I'll post it here, and it will be posted on the bulletin board at residency. To see more of Heather's work
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