I passed the history CLEP
I passed the history CLEP by the skin of my teeth. I think it really has something to do with not taking a huge amount of practice tests. I could only find two offered in one book.
If I had to do it over again I would also have registered here http://www.petersons.com/testprep/clep.asp?sponsor=1&path=ce.pft.clep to get the paid online tests.
I did however find this wonderful web site to help with the tests, and it is free. I highly recommend it. http://www.freeuniv.com/
This web site has a ton of videos to help you learn any subject. You can download them right of the interent watch and learn.
These are all great resources to bookmark
If I had to do it over again I would also have registered here http://www.petersons.com/testprep/clep.asp?sponsor=1&path=ce.pft.clep to get the paid online tests.
I did however find this wonderful web site to help with the tests, and it is free. I highly recommend it. http://www.freeuniv.com/
This web site has a ton of videos to help you learn any subject. You can download them right of the interent watch and learn.
These are all great resources to bookmark
I studied quite a bit. That is me of course. I have to overprepare for everything to feel confident. Some people can just read something and memorize it. Not me. I have to put it in three colors, make a song about it, create a visual in my head and then maybe I'll remember.
I highly recommend getting as many books and taking as many practice tests as possible. Check your local library for books, buy one on Amazon used books and also sign up for the free Peterson tests. You might also use the links that I mentioned below. I love the learner.org and freeuniv.com. In all honesty to pass the humanities CLEP I studied for a month 2-4 hours a day, same with the History CLEP. I did much better on Humanities than on the History. I am sure it is because I only had one book to take tests from for the History. ( I had not found the Peterson web site yet.)
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature I studied for a week. The difference between this CLEP and the others is that practicing the process of analyzing and Interpreting literature is the key. There is nothing really to memorize. By doing many practice tests it helped. I also had special accommodations so that I could take the test in a room by myself. That way I could talk out loud and for that CLEP it raised my points by 10. I would however recommend studying literature terms for this CLEP. As I took the practice tests if I came upon a term I was unfamiliar with I looked it up. I had heard this CLEP was easy and it is a 6-point CLEP. I am glad I took it.
My only regrets about taking CLEPS is that I did not start sooner. In hindsight I would have started taking these when I was thinking about going back to college. IT can put you so far ahead.
Good luck, let me know how it goes.
isculpt, at 4:23 PM
Oh fear!
It is a big one, and tries so hard to keep us small, I think that is because fear is really small, and powerless once recognized. It’s boasting and yells make it sound big, but you can easily crush it!
Here is a suggestion, put the “failing” out of your mind, and instead just keep looking at the next step. Make a list check it off and go to the next thing.
How many CLEP credits that a college will take depends on the college. My college at Vermont College Union Institute allows up to 30 credits- most do. That is quite a bit, and if I were able to pass them all I could knock off one to one and a half years off of my education.
I decided on what CLEPS to take by what was needed as basics and what I was missing in my educational plan. I had quite a few transfer credits and then the life credits. In the end, the last test that I took was to get 6 credits as quickly as possible. Before I took a CLEP I confirmed with the college that they would accept this and it was part of my degree plan.
If you do not have any credits, and if you are not registered in a school Then focus on the basics like English comp, history I and history II, humanities etc.
You can find more about the college CLEPs at http://www.collegeboard.com/highered/clep/
If something happens and you “fail” a CLEP, don’t worry consider it practice. You can take it again in 6 months. But if you have taken 8 practice tests prior to the test and you do fairly well on those, then you really have it licked!
Please don’t let this be your last post or question. I want to be able to help and love the input on my blog. I look forward to hearing from you again, keep me posted.
isculpt, at 10:06 AM
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