Perpetual Learner- The adventure of going back to school

Monday, April 03, 2006

LAST PACKET OF The semester.

I sent my last packet for the semester in on Saturday. Felt good to hand it in. It was very different from the last packet that I did with my previous professor. It really was a book. I had to write a preface and do a table of contents, copy all of her corrections for process writing and annotations and correct everything. I didn’t mind correcting the process papers as they are going to be part of the book, so it is like having an editor. I have however sent up to 4 drafts of papers to my instructor so I know there is a lot to copy.

I am sure that other students haven not corrected so much. But the packet is done and is off to Susan, my professor.

I still won’t have confirmation on my standing as a graduate until Tuesday or Wednesday when the committee will meet to approve a 20 credit culminating study. I don’t like waiting, and wish that everything were resolved. I keep feeling like something will happen to keep it from me. I guess it is because I have done so much this semester to get here.

More questions. How does VCU clarify credits? I mean you do this study that you design, but how do they break it up into credits? VCU has their own degree criteria that you satisfy, which I have listed in my past posts, but what about if you are going on for a masters and need certain credits that are categorized like the rest of the world?

I have studied so much grief death even mental illness (because of the recent commission with the suicide) I think that some of this study could be classified as psychology. I also applied for psychology credits for my EXCEL but to this day I don’t know what was awarded.

If they don’t give me psychology credits I may need to plan on some for my last semester. I originally was planning on studying Art Therapy and may turn back to that for my masters. If I do this I need to transfer 12 credits in psychology and 6 of those have to be in developmental psychology and abnormal psychology.

I guess I am trying to think ahead. I think this must drive the school crazy. One thing that I have learned while going to college - I LIKE TO HAVE MY DUCKS ALL LINED UP!

I must remember to pack some envelopes to mail some candy back to family. There is a mailroom in the main building in the basement, but they don’t have envelopes. Mom likes the maple syrup candy and Kate does as well.


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