Perpetual Learner- The adventure of going back to school

Friday, September 08, 2006


I don't know what to do with myself. I always have a book in hand and three at the bedside a couple of journal articles and other things. I can't believe it I read all of my books and then some!

I had to read 27 books this semester, because I was doing a 20 credit culminating study. To date I read 26 book and 11 journal articles! ( 4 journal articles = 1 book) I also read much more than that because my research would lead me to other articles and papers that I did not list in this.

So what do I do with myself? I can't believe I am craving a book.

as I write this there are piles of books around my computer my table to my left the table behind my desk. Ahh the remnants of research!


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