Perpetual Learner- The adventure of going back to school

Monday, July 26, 2010

it has been brought to my attention...

The art that you see, the wonderful balanced rocks that have been here and appear during each residency, they are art. They encourage me to try balancing rocks, in fact I decided I would do this in my own yard ( mental note: balance rocks around pond as part of practicum this semester.I wonder how Tilly- my turtle will feel about this.I have tried to balance rocks. It is not easy. The effort makes me have a greater appreciation for the artist who does this. ) However, I would not think about adding a rock or disturbing these pieces of art. It would be like someone going up to a piece in a gallery and adding paint! I'm honored to have experienced these. They have a sacredness about them. I bow to the artist in humble appreciation and will miss her upon graduation. I would mention her name, but somehow I feel that it is a personal, quiet gesture- if you listen to the trees they may tell you.


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