Perpetual Learner- The adventure of going back to school

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Some other information about resdency

Yes, residency is transformative. Not just for the students but also for everyone. I think this residency showed that. The artcrawl, proposed by students and taken on, the way the music changed with some leaving others coming. It was very interesting.

I'm still trying to get permission from the school to somehow contact each new student by phone before their arrival. There is this privacy thing that must be worked out. I hope it gets put into place before I graduate and then I hope that some other students will see the importance of that welcoming committee and continue the work after I am gone. But for now I do what I know to do. I'm sorry that with the 27 something new people some got lost in the cracks. We had our snacks and drinks on Thursday early for those arriving. made ourselves available to the new G1's at dinner and throughout residency. I think it is natural to bond with your clan G1's bond with those they know and others as well. I look forward to working further on the welcoming committee. In the mean time I hope those wanting contact find this blog.

Someone just posted they have become a new student in the portownsend campus and is reading it. Other students have said they wished they would have found it sooner because of the helpful hints. So on I go. I'm now in my G3 semester.


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