Perpetual Learner- The adventure of going back to school

Sunday, August 01, 2010

if you want to stay connected after residency

check out facebook. I know some say. I have refused facebook. But I must say what it has done for me is to be able to put face with name. I have connected with some of my classmates over the semester through facebook. Upon returning home I post my pictures from my trip and people tag themselves. People who were just faces, now are connected face to name.

There are no name tags at Goddard. I'm not sure why, I think someone once thought it went against soemthing or stifled something or whatever. facebook is how I connect. I'm a visual person.

Then as i am connecting to people I look at who they have connected to, especially right after residency, and find. ah that is the person I ate with every morning- so I friend them. My list grows intentionally. And through the process I get to read their poetry, or see their dances, or look at their familes and somehow I am connected more. So if you are reading this and want more interaction please friend me on facebook.

Oh yes, all of my photographs from each residency as well a s my artwork are on facebook.


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