Perpetual Learner- The adventure of going back to school

Friday, October 15, 2010

More packet work?

I just felt like reflecting on my Goldsworthy- see post below.

Poems by Bridgette Mongeon

Slithering branches of Dornax
dance on the breeze — arms reaching
conducting mother nature

One bird
chooses stream over the pond
and finds a worm

Birds making choices
between bird bath or stream
are perched in nearby trees

contemplating seed scattered below
swing on wires

Rock, in middle of deep birdbath
allows shallow fluttering
for visiting birds

Thick flower bed filled with variety
all reach for the same goal
and reflect beauty.

Four Potato vines
considers the outdoor lanterns
their personal trellis

A trail of hearts
climbs high
seeking the source

Four wires drape low
bringing connection to studio
and balance to birds

moving water
dances with light

trying to reach its home
near the spinning porch ceiling fan
a mud dubber is dizzy.

after watching birds play
in the water filled wheelbarrow
a bird bath is placed.

A daughter asks a mother
for a cutting
to make hearts climb her tree.

I write on the porch
sitting in the wicker furniture of a friend
acquired after death

birds flutter
in the glistening trickle of water
at the edge of the water fall.

Even though I am 50
when I greet my fish in the pond
I do it as Ernie taught my daughter on Sesame Street,
“perch my libs and repeat mo mo mo mo mo.”

stream trickles and glubs as it passes water fall
dog rests on porch periodically nibbling her leg
leaves fall with a crunch
trickle of water flow in the stream drowns out the revving motor of a passing truck
a city rooster continues to crow
ceiling fan hums and periodically clicks in rhythm
a bird gives a lonesome whistle... then again
city street noises try to encroach
airplane passes
crow calls repeatedly
taco dog barks in house next door
cardinal calls nearby
three squirrels play a game of chase, jumping form tree to tree to tree, causing an avalanche of leaves.
squirrel sprawled on large tree branch flicks tail and chirps
smorgasbord of seed causes a rush of noisy costumers
squirrel contemplates crashing buffet
birds flick dry leaves looking for morsels
red cardinal couple vies for a spot.
blue jay cries from tree, its mate returns the call.
now brave enough to fly to the ground watches as others eat. looks sideways at the food and then begins his own ritual.
masked robber in red cloak prances round -skittish , flies off to the west comes back from the east.
red headed woodpecker searches for food on the tree above, wanting to be a part of the group.

birds bow repeatedly while drinking.

taro leaves that once touched the water
have bite marks
evidence of a turtles meal.

bark on black walnut tree
grows around old chains
once used by a little girls swing

prostrated squirrel
in black walnut tree
watches me type

crisp autumn leaves
exposes those
who try to pass silently

citronella candle
interrupts my senses
and those trying to bite me

a cup of bird see
a day of guests

sun works with shimmering pond
to create enticing reflections
on my studio porch ceiling

Turtle does yoga
upon the large rock
in the middle of the pond


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