Perpetual Learner- The adventure of going back to school

Thursday, January 05, 2012

What about extensions?

I first heard about extensions for that final semester when I went to my G4 meeting about graduation. Here is the scoop-

If you do not finish your portfolio you are allowed an extension and your advisor will tell you which one you need. THESE COST MONEY!

You have to finish by the last day of the semester.

Four week extension

Eight week extension

These extensions start on the first day of the next semester. So if you take an extension- you won't graduate with your class.

A student has two options if the final product is judged not to be substantively complete by the end of eight weeks. The student can either register for the balance of the semester in order to complete the final product or withdraw from the semester and return in a subsequent semester for an additional full semester to complete the final product, if academically eligible." However... A student on a Final Product Extension is not expected to attend the residency that begins the semester in which the extension takes place.

So, you won't see your friends graduate, but it will save you money.

I'll get these fees and post them, but note- no financial aid is available for extensions.

There is one extension that you can take that you don't pay for. I could not find it in the handbook but I would have qualified for that this semester with the death of my dad, however, I'm glad I could get it together so that I can finish my semester and time at Goddard.


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