Perpetual Learner- The adventure of going back to school

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Hurrican RITA- thursday

Looks like the systems are down but if I can send this I will
We are all exhausted. We found enough wood to cover approximately 80% of the windows, not on the back side though and that is the north side. My upstairs window does not have wood on it now, it will take climbing a very tall ladder to get this last one up here, and mike is exhausted.

I am kicking myself that I did not get the chain sow from sears when I was there yesterday. But people were going to take my two gas tanks right off of the counter, and the confusion of all of the people really bothered me. The women at the register said," You better buy these and put the bag on your arm."

My x has been stuck in traffic for a very long time. I hear of many people who just ran out of gas while waiting for the traffic and they have a car full of animals who are frying in the heat. I am glad I am here. - that may change by Friday. It is strange to see the houses taped and have wood on them all through out the neighborhoods. Many who thought they might leave are changing their minds and staying, rather than taking the chance they will be caught out there on the freeways.

I want to be thinking about having a show, and preparing the yard and then going off for my next semester of college. Instead I am wondering if I will be a live and have a home next week. It is a strange turn.

*&^#) is beginning to hit the fan about the evacuee plan. I hear they are going to open the freeways up one way- out.

I feel calmer being away from all the freaked out people out there. It appears the neighbors on both sides are staying. The people on the east are not doing much to prepare but maybe cleaning the gutters. The people on the west are a bunch in their own right. The old man cooks concoctions in his backyard for his arthritis. Right now he is watering his plants.

Well I best go and try to get more things done. Being up here in the office with the ac feels so good. I will miss that the most.


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