Perpetual Learner- The adventure of going back to school

Thursday, September 01, 2005

My study- Bringing to Life the Spirit of the Deceased- A Sculptors Journey

The major part of my study is about a sculpture that I am working on called Patsy.

Of the 5 packets I am sending 3 are about Patsy. I intend to make this part of my study into a book titled Bringing to life the spirit of the Deceased- A sculptor’s journey. I am very motivated and probably sending more than I have to. It was a very interesting study. Though I have been sculpting the deceased for over 20 years I never really documented my process. The study was very revealing. I also document my difficulties of coming to terms with the paranormal and any possible psychic things that may be happening as I work on this commission. I would tell you more here, but then you wouldn’t read the book.
My student evaluation form states.

Bringing to life the spirit of the deceased- a sculptor’s journey- Reading- see attached bibliography
Through 100 pages of writings I document both the journey of physically creating two life size sculptures, one of Patsy a 60 year old women and Lucas a 5 year old boy, both of these were paid commissions of deceased loved ones. Through this journey I also discuss my own struggle with the juxtaposition of faith and possible psychic abilities.

The journey and study of bringing to life the spirit of the deceased was by far the deepest and most intimate part of my study this semester, on many levels. So much so, that I appreciated having the distractions of the other two studies through the semester. This was the first time I have really documented what I have done for so many years. It was interesting to see what transpired both spiritually and perhaps psychically.

My bibliography for this part of my study works on a variety of different topics. The study of death, Spiritual side of life and death, Books about the paranormal, Books on cemeteries and tomb stones, and books on grief. For anyone interested in my bibliography of reading for this part of my study it is as follows.

Babcock, Michael. The Power of The Bear. CA: Pomegranate. 1998

Snow, Tiffany. Psychic Gifts in the Christian Life: Tools to Connect.
Spirit Journey Books, 2003

Rosetree, Rose , Empowered by Empathy, Women’s Intuition World Wide. 2001

Morse, M.D., Melvin. Where God Lives -the science of the paranormal and how our brains are linked to the universe. San Francisco – Harper 2001

Koch, Guntram Roman Funerary sculpture . The Paul Getty Museum Malibu
California 1988

Heaney, John J. The Sacred and the Psychic : Parapsychology and Christian Theology. Paulist Press, 1984.

Robinson,David and koontz, Dean Beautiful Death : The Art of the Cemetery, Penguin 1996

Keister, Douglas Stories in Stone: A Field Guide to Cemetery Symbolism and Iconography Gibbs Smith Publishers , 2004

Kramer, Kenneth The Sacred Art of Dying: How the World Religions Understand Death
Paulist Press 1988

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