Perpetual Learner- The adventure of going back to school

Monday, April 18, 2005

Another busy day

I loved Charlotte Hastings presentation. She is the art department chair. It was a lot of fun. We watched a video listened to her talk about the photographer Carrie Mae Weems and did our own, writings.

Psychologist and writer Blythe Richfield’s presentation came next. It was on “This thing we call Love.” I have really enjoyed attending these presentations and taking down notes of what the quotes and possible reading material. My third exploration meeting was with Dick Hathaway. Dick works more with history, economics etc. He is a fascinating man and I wanted to go to at least get to meet him and makes sure that he met me. I think it is important to have a presence to this faculty

I went to charlottes returning group meeting. I had several reasons, Of course both presenters were artists and I really wanted to see how charlottes group worked, since that is whom I most likely will be working with.

At dinner I met another wonderful person with a wonderful story. She said she was culminating so I was especially interested in knowing how this journey went for her. She was my age. She explained that when she came to VCU she expected she would learn to b e a student. That she would learn how to drink wine, like coffee and be a professional. But the exact opposite happened. She was told to follow her bliss. She did. She began a study in, of all things, sea turtles. While doing this study she begged a research center to let her volunteer as part of her study for college. Because it was a college study, they allowed her. Not only is she graduation from VCUI but also she has a paid position as part of the staff of this research center. As I understand it Vermont College helped her to get back to a place that she wanted to be. She really didn’t want to be businesswomen, and by being given the opportunity to follow her bliss, so to speak, she was able to do just that.

This evening there were two culminating presentations that I really wanted to attend and unfortunately they were scheduled at the same time. My taxi mate Catherine had hers on “our inner and outer landscape” and another classmates Frank had his on “teaching astronomy”. It was a hard choice but I felt bound to Catherine, and I must say the presentation was wonderful.

Afterwards I began to work on my bibliography for my semester. I have to read 20 books and I have to come up with this bibliography by Friday. I am hoping I can check out books at this library, I’ll have to mail them back in 45 days. If I can get few books, I can read on the airplane.

The rest of the evening was spent in my room, in pj’s and a glass of wine. Hmmm very relaxing. I did have my first invite to go out and have a drink with some classmates, but I had already gotten in my pj’s when they poked their head in my open dormitory door. I would have liked to spend time with them, but I did notice that I am getting very burnt out on the people 24/7.


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