Perpetual Learner- The adventure of going back to school

Saturday, April 16, 2005

This process is getting more and more interesting!

April 16th.
Last night I came back from the stone science building walked across the campus to Dewey hall. Several people were outside- some talking, others playing guitars and still others smoking. I smiled inside and said, “ I am in college.” The doors to Dewey were in perpetual motion. Dewey is the residency for both men and women. And everyone is coming and going somewhere.

Frankly I could use a little less coming and going.

There are sign up sheet in the Hall at Dewey. We are to pick 3 faculty that we would like to meet with. I have chosen Charlotte Hastings the head of the art department. It is a natural for me. I also chose Bernice Mennis- a writer, and naturalist. She has worked with many different students for different things. I don’t know whom else to pick.

We had our group photo taken; this is the equivalent to a yearbook.

I then proceeded to an excel meeting. Excel is receiving life credit for your experience. You can receive up to 30 credits and I am hoping to get all 30. The difficulty is that you can’t just say I have done a lot of things and give me credit. You need to show how what you have learned transfers into what you need to fulfill your degree program. So in other words you can’t just say. “ Ran a day care. “ You must show how running a day care works into what you would learn through psychology or business or other things that pertain to you degree program.

I am not allowed to apply for excel until I have been here for 1 semester. It does require 60 pages of writing, and a presentation along with some other things. So I know it will be a lot of work.

I went to the meeting first to understand for myself and then to gather information in hopes of writing an article about the subject.

I went to my first Study Exploration Meetings ( session 1). I have to do at least 3 of these. So I met with Charlottes group this morning there were 7 of us. All of us were asked what we wanted to do our study in. Each person discussed what he or she wants to do. One is going to do outfits of India, culture meaning etc, another on the mind and memory and art. Another person who is into theater wants to put on a production directing a mid summer nights dream. I was surprised at how receptive Charlotte was, she guided and was very encouraging. I know I have said it before, but all learning should be this way.

Another person is working on paintings. Some people wanted to get away from academics because they worked so hard on literature last semester. Others want something totally different. I can see how in the next 4 meetings as I tell what I would like to do to different groups, with different leaders, in different backgrounds it could all formulate with different twists. I know you are wondering what I chose to do?

I mentioned a couple of different things but I think I will focus on my new sculpture of Patsy and everything pertaining to Patsy. HMMMMMM?????/ The study will be on how this process of how I find the spirit of someone who is no longer living with us and how I bring it into life into clay. I will blog the process of sculpting Patsy, interview others etc. My bibliography? Good question. I think I may study some of the affects of other sculptors working with the dead and art- maybe Egyptians, day of the dead? The possibilities are endless and are being formed as I speak with these groups and hear what other ideas people have. I am beginning to see how rewarding this entire progressive process can be.

I also went to a lecture given by Bernice. This was fascinating, we wrote, we talked, and the intellectual feedback of many of the 27 people present was incredible. After that meeting I sat in on a culminating presenters presentation on what she is learned. I chose it because it was on creativity. It was good.

Tonight is the art show opening.


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