Perpetual Learner- The adventure of going back to school

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

RITA is coming

Rita is expected to hit Houston and Galveston on Friday night. It has been over 20 years since this area had a hurricane. And Alicia that hit us in 2001 was just a tropical storm but the flooding was horrendous. We are not in the flood pain, though it has flooded on our street, it is usually at the other end.

IT is a little unnerving, but we are going to sit tight and hope for the best. We have a bad tree in our back yard that really needs to be cut down, it is over our gas line. I am praying about that and will be frantic through the storm. Please say a prayer.

I have no doubt we will lose electricity. 21 years ago we lost it for 2 weeks.

We are switching gears and expect to go get supplies, water, batteries, can goods etc. today and tomorrow, before they are all gone. We will hold off on taping windows until just before the strike.

If it comes I will probably lose communication with everyone. I suppose I should back up my computer on some discs before the storm.

I feel sorry for all of those who came from New Orleans and have to go through this again. News said they are evacuating the evacuees to Fort Chaffee ARK. Before the storm comes. Many are not happy about having to move again.

Hopefully it will all just blow over, or better yet, somewhere else, but everyone in Houston has said we are long due for a hurricane. I expect we will be seeing many more people from Galveston, clear lake etc. evacuating from the south, south east. Though the mayor has asked those evacuating for Rita, not to come to Houston but to go on to Dallas News says they have a voluntary evacuation.
I hope no one decides to stay in galveston there is no way out if they do. I received this in my e mail this morning we are not in any evacuation zones.

We are not in an evacuation area. Our home is between the H in Houston and the number 45 just north of that loop around the city the line that goes from that loop to I 45 is Shepherd and is just three doors to our west.

Here is some other interesting information

Hope we talk again soon. Appreciate your prayers.



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