Perpetual Learner- The adventure of going back to school

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Technicially the first semseter has ended.

Technically my first semester was finished a few weeks ago. Semester was from 7/24 09 to 11/30/0. It went well, though I still can’t believe I have done all that I did with the passing of my mother just a few weeks after my first residency. My student evaluation and adviser evaluation are now on the Student Information System. ( SIS is a portion of the Goddard website that keeps this information) I petitioned for traditional credits along with narrative credits and was awarded them. Though it was a bit o f a trick to find credits or create credits for a topic that really does not exist yet. And my SIS has the starting date of 1/29/2010 and end date of 5/31/2010 listed so I guess I'll soon be into my second semester.

I suppose everyone enjoyed their few weeks break between semesters. I, however kept on with my study. When you are doing research it is impossible for all of those connections that you made to just stop. Plus my study is deeply ingrained in the book that I am writing and the publisher has deadlines.

It is but 3 weeks before the new semester begins. I’ll be a G2 when I get back. I hope to put some information on this blog between now and the date of returning to school January 28th. It is for those people who are considering Goddard, or are going to Goddard for their first semester. I absolutely hate those few weeks before going to a new college for the first time and not having any connection to students or others. Allow me to be your connection. I have asked if I could call each of the new students personally and welcome them. Still waiting to hear if I’ll be able to get the names of the students to call.

I have not posted much on this blog from my study, but be assured if you are interested in what I am researching and studying for my MFAIA at Goddard all you need to do is check in from time to time on my other blog found at

Follow me on facebook or on twitter. All of these have more information than you can ever think of.


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