Perpetual Learner- The adventure of going back to school

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My 4th semester at Goddard's MFA-IA program comes to a close.

I have been so busy this last week. My final working semester comes to a close. G4 as we call ourselves. Next semester I write my thesis and then next residency GRADUATION!

Interestingly enough, this last week someone contacted me from Austria of all places. They are getting their graduate degree there and writing their thesis and wanted to interview me. I was flattered. I spent my first two semesters at Goddard studying digital technology as it relates to the traditional sculpture studio. I wrote a book Digital Sculpting in Mudbox: Essential tools and techniques for artists. I also have lectured on this and written many online papers and created podcasts. The interview can be found on my blog, in 10 parts.

My last semesters have taken me in a different direction as you will see by these posts. this past semester I focused on a novel and illustration, my practicum semester had to be something different. And so it has been a year since I was immersed in the research on digital technologies or bridging the gap between the digital and traditional sculpture studio. I can't wait to get back to it. Though this next semester and writing my thesis will take a great deal of time.

This last few weeks have felt like a lot of work. here is a run down on what I have done.

1. Filled out the FAFASA for student aid- Hey this is getting easier and easier with their new computer system. they can even connect to your taxes, read them and input the numbers. If that part works, it didn't work for me.

2. Finish my last packet work.

3. Dialogue about degree criteria for portfolio. This is something my advisor suggested I do. free writing on the degree criteria to see if there was anywhere I felt stuck. Once I got into this I didn't want to stop.

4. Print out all of my self evaluations to jar my memory of what I did. Wow there is a lot.

5. Wrote out the underlying themes I found in my study. I think this will help me to pull the portfolio pieces together.

6. Started a very basic outline of the portfolio.

7. Begin on my own student evaluation for this semester.

8. Course equivalents- as mentioned many times in this blog, I am from the south. The Southern Board of Colleges requires a certain amount of time spent in the disciplines, if you plan on teaching that. So, I have petitioned for traditional course equivalents, which I write each semester and have approved. They will accompany the written transcripts.

Soon I'll be scheduling my flight for residency. Watching others graduate and saying, wow, I'm next!


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