Perpetual Learner- The adventure of going back to school

Thursday, September 22, 2005


Greetings friends and family. Sure appreciate your prayers for us down here.


street and highways are overcrowded and people are staying there for hours trying to get out- their cars are running out of gas and overheating. The temperatures are expected to be 100 degrees. We are gaining more people here at our home in Houston, a couple of senior citizens and some more animals. Those that are leaving are people in the mandatory evacuation areas. Even the side streets are loaded with people and their pets driving the roads, the people all have looks of great concern. Going any where is out of the question and I am sure there are plenty of people in their cars worried and wishing they were somewhere else, even back home in a house.

Last I saw it will pass over Galveston and when it enters Houston we will be on the west side of it. This is very, very good. As it won't be the dirty side. But still very terrifying.

The front windows are boarded up and I am taking apart sculpture pedestals to use as wood for the windows.Mike painted go away rita on the wood in the front. Phones are sporadic, no rain until the morning. I wish some of the people who were staying here were here now to help prepare.

We still need to Move mattresses to the center of the house, blowing up air mattresses etc. put water in everything

Sears was closed this morning, lowes had wood with a 2 hour wait, I thought my time would be better spent at the house.

Later when it gets dark I'll start taking the things down from the walls and the nick knacks that might fly around should the roof come off.

I keep doing things in circles. Tonight I also need to collect important papers from the office and move the computers to another area covered with plastic. It is strange to wonder if you will be alive next week. I don't think many people have been faced with that feeling.

As it stands right now I can not send this e mail. But I hope to bring the lap top downstairs and journal the process.


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