Perpetual Learner- The adventure of going back to school

Thursday, April 20, 2006


Another group presentation to go see, actually two, one on amulets and charms and the second on nature as a place. I loved them both. They were both so tactile. Devony created wonderful fiber art that she described and passed around and Stephen did a study on nature that turned into a study on geology. It is always interesting to see how student’s studies change. I am glad that this school gives us the opportunity to change, it seems that with that freedom we learn the most. Our studies though guided seem to formulate themselves and because we are so passionate about the subject they grow and bring us places that we never thought they would and places that we would never had thought we would go. HOW COOL IS THAT? Stephen brought rocks in and passed them around. The tactile person in me had a blast at these presentations.

A visited a culminating presentation this evening. Though I was exhausted I wanted to go because the Patricia has had a dorm room within a few doors of mine since I arrived. It was excellent.

I had a dream about Charlotte last night. She was out on the green of the campus dressed up with her colorful socks and cutting the grass with a push mower. I asked her why and she said, “Because it had to be done”. It reminded me about what someone said at the session on Saturday. Charlotte was a Don Quixote type she would fight for you fiercely. I knew that I felt that.

In today’s exploratory meeting I met with blythe. Though I was unsure of who I wanted to work with, none of them were Charlotte, I am hoping I can work with Blythe. She knew charlotte well and that is important to me. I also like her personality. After the exploratory meeting with her I met her later coming off of the elevator and asked, “Will we be working together. “ She said she hoped and she would try to get me. I asked her if she would fight for me like charlotte did. Even thinking of it I smile.

I have wanted to do a sculpture of another professor that passed away, Dick Hathaway. This evening I made the first steps to doing this. After Charlotte passed away I was not sure if I wanted to, but when Blythe said, “Charlotte loved Dick” I thought I had to. I had to for Charlotte. I want to finish this sculpture by my culmination on November 1st. But how? It will be tight. I need to raise 9,000 for the project. I have 16,000 donated already.


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