Perpetual Learner- The adventure of going back to school

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

cost to graduate

So there is an additional cost to graduate. Well, not really. Though they are called graduation costs they really are room and board cost. A cost of 405.00 I guess that is not too bad if you think about room and board for frida- wednesday.

There is also an additional cost for a 20 credit culminating study as compared to a 15 credit study. An extra $750. So I guess that is how much 5 extra credits are. I also have to do extra work for that study.

All of this is so strange considering I just received a check for extra money that was sent from the college. They took out more loans than I needed and reimbursed me. Then I get this bill. Sometimes I wonder if the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing. I don't think this is just my college as the same thing happens to my daughter as well and she goes to Oral Roberts University.


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