Perpetual Learner- The adventure of going back to school

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

More questions about Vermont College

Here are some questions that others have asked me.

Question- Thanks for such a nice email. I'd love to have dinner with people on Thursday
evening. I'm going to be driving onto campus, do you know what the parking
situation is?
Answer- During the day you can park across from Dewey Hall, in the evenings there is parking across campus. I can show you that Thursday evening, or just ask security when you get your key.

Question- How many hours a week would you say you spend on school work? Is it possible to work
a 9-5 job M-F and manage school at the same time?
Answer- I think there is some calculation as to how much time you should spend. It is definitely talked about in orientation. Many people work a 9-5 job and some even have children, they seem to do it. I am sure you can as well. I have worked full time and am a full time student, plus I did lots of extras like CLEP and EXCEL. The great thing about Vermont College is that because you design your study it does not feel like "school work"” You are studying what motivates you. It is a great idea. Great question it was one of mine as well.

Question-The 20 books, what if you have no idea what you want to study?

Answer-Don'’t worry if you don'’t know. That is the beauty of the entire process. There is a saying at school "“Trust the process"” it is true, if you trust the process it works. You will know what you are supposed to study as you begin to talk to others and go to the exploratory meetings. It is also quite alright to go into an exploratory meeting and say, “I have know idea what to study.” Some people come prepared to study one thing and then change to something totally different.

Question-How do they go about forming the exact books for the bibliography?

Answer-When you begin to talk about your study in the exploratory meetings people may suggest books. Then you will spend time in the library or in the computer lab looking up things that pertain to your study. You can also look up black books. These are thesis that other Vermont College students have done. You might find some that go with your study and all come with bibliographies.


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