Perpetual Learner- The adventure of going back to school

Monday, November 06, 2006

Fall Residency- 2006- Monday

I had my own drama going on in my head as I had booked a slide projector for the TW Woods Gallery presentation and confirmed it on Friday only to discover that I did not actually have one for my presentation. I can’t tell you the hoops I jumped through to find one, but thankfully the MFA loaned one to the gallery and all was well. Much thanks to Carol for suggesting I try the MFA.

I spent time in the TW Woods putting together things and doing last minute changes to that presentation. I also had to be sure that I could use that MFA projector with my computer. I missed another teacher presentation, but made the returning group meeting and learned all about Mandalas from one of my fellow classmates who was studying abnormal psychology and took a break to look at this subject.

Of all of the faculty that I wanted to hear Blythe’s” The psychology of Intimacy.” was the one I wanted to hear, but I missed that as well. There is just not enough of me to go around. I ate a quick dinner and went to my lecture at the TW Woods. I was sad that I would miss three other culminating presentations that were placed opposite my lecture.

The TW woods lecture had the perfect people. It was great to hear stories about Dick Hathaway and be fed more of Dick. (
The results of the lecture were, a possible 3C status making donations to the sculpture tax deductible. A committee that will help me raise the $9,000 needed to cast and place Dick Hathaway, and a possible commission. I am thrilled.

My lecture ended early enough for me to catch the end of one culminating presentation and the entirety of another.


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