Perpetual Learner- The adventure of going back to school

Monday, November 06, 2006

Fall Residency- 2006- Tuesday- MY FAMILY COMES IN TODAY

The faculty looked at my thesis, otherwise known as the black book, yesterday, and to my surprise there was no changes to it. I can hardly believe that. But I am thankful. I had visions of me doing it until Wednesday.

I can hardly believe that I get to share this wonderful place with my family. There were still returning group meetings and culminating presentations today. But with all my lectures complete and my black book done I feel so relieved. My daughter and husband arrived around dinnertime, along with two friends from Houston. The five of us went down to Sarducees for dinner- my last walk to sarducees. Upon returning I was able to go to Elizabeth’s culminating presentation and hear an excerpt from her novel, my daughter, Chris, by my side. I loved it.

I was sorry I missed the auction. It was my last one. Choices. I did stop in to see what everyone got. Ignatius modeled his wonderful daisy hat, while Maida, our auctioneer rested. It sounded like it was a good auction.

Later my daughter and I went up into the lounge to sit with others. Chris was working on a slide show of all of the pictures from all of my semesters that I was at Vermont College. We hoped to play it at our graduation after party.


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