Perpetual Learner- The adventure of going back to school

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

It pays to do the FAFSA

As I said my husband and I have both compeleted our FASFA and received our financial aid packets. Hubby was surprised to find he recieved almost 1000 in grants for his undergrad studies. That is a grant, not to be paid back. That is very cool.

My packet had no grants. I guess they don't make those for graduate study. But i could get everything I needed in loans. In fact I can get more than what I need in government loans. I just don't want to be saddled with all of that. I plan on taking just what I need for this first semester and then for each coming semester trying to put money away to pay for it. I hate to have 50,000 in debt when I leave graduate school. It must be nice to have parents who pay for school. So here is a run down.Should anyone be looking and interested.

tuition 7502
technology fee 82
room charge 255 double ( another 200 for a single) wow that is high.
board charge 305.00
total 8144.00 double room
total 8244.00 double room

This is the cost for one semester

In subsidized student loans, ones that you don't begin to collect interest before graduation, the award is only 4250. That leaves a balance of $3994.00 is left to pay for this semester not including books, flight, cab etc. As I said the government gave me enough to pay for the rest in unsubsidized loans if needed.


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