Perpetual Learner- The adventure of going back to school

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Thanks for the clarification

The Degree Criteria listed on the Goddard website and in the MFAIA ( Master of Fine Arts in Interdisciplinary Art) Addendum handbook, can make your head spin. But recently in the new version of the handbook these questions were stated. Which if you look at the Degree Criteria you will find they are the same thing.

"Address the 6 "Degree Criteria", one by one. Worked for me."

"Degree criteria! and where you see yourself meeting them or falling short. Where did you see yourself coming into the program and where are you now in relation to meeting those goals?"

1. Describe briefly your current art practice. How do you feel your practice is meaningful? What strategies do you use to create and convey meaning? What is the relevance of aesthetics, form, and intention to your practice?

2. What is your understanding of "rigorous exploration" within an art practice? What experiments have you conducted in the past semesters? In what ways has your original practice changed and expanded?

3. In a few sentences, what is your definition of art (your personal theory of art)?

4. Who are other artists, thinkers, activists and scholars or artistic movements with whom you most closely identify, or whose work you connect with? Are there other branches of knowledge you have been exploring? How does this exploration inform, intersect, or otherwise engage your art practice.

5. How have you engaged critically with the work of these artists and with your own artistic practice?

6. How do you understand the concept of interdisciplinary art?

7. How do you see your work within the context of the cultural, social and political framework in which we live? How do you think about your personal responsibil
ity as an artist? How do you understand the impact of your practice on your community?


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