Perpetual Learner- The adventure of going back to school

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Headed into the home streach of the G2 packet 4. So much to do.

Besides a regular packet , as mentioned before in previous posts there is the G2 progress report.
Funny what really helped me to look at this entire thing was to talk to Josh Castle at Goddard. Josh is the person to go to if you are also wanting to petition for course equivelent credits as well as narrative credits.

Now remember the administration at the MFAIA program may be traditionalists and encourage you to do the narrative transcripts and not fret about such things as equivalents. I see the value in this. I really do. But for me who might want to teach at the college level I need those course equivalents. My goal—18 in sculpting and 18 in writing.

Today I set up a spreadsheet and went through each semester G1, G2, G3, G4 and finally G5. I was curious if you divide your semesters up into course equivalents how is that G5 portfolio/thesis designated? It was my opinion that I could divide those credits up 1/2 in writing 1/2 in sculpting as that is what I am defining in my final semester. Josh said it has never been done that way before, but he could see no reason why it couldn't be parsed apart. I have decided to also go ahead and be sure those credits are there before G5 My difficulty is that after not painting for years, I have this desire to work in color. I would love to do that next semester, maybe I can weave it into my study plan with the sculpture.

Doing this spread sheet actually helped me to see what I wanted to get out of Goddard. Doing it in conjunction with the G2 report helps me to know how to weave any "missing or lacking" degree criteria from Goddard into those semesters.

I hear a committee looks at this progress report. I just need someone to say, "yes, you are doing what we expect."


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