Perpetual Learner- The adventure of going back to school

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

More on a G2 progress report

I can see where some people might think this is a bear of a project. Along with your regular packets. Reading the new revised addendum really has helped. I am glad I am starting on this early, though I think in hindsight I might have even tried some of this through break.

The Progress Report contents

Narrative statement 4-6 pages utilizing guiding questions in Addendum)
I'm not sure if this si double or single spaced. I think it depends on the advisor.

Annotated Bibliography including 10-20 key resources utilized in G1/G2
Here is another good reason for keeping that annotated bibliography. Now I just need to combine them. Mine is huge.

Artist's Statement ( 1 page)
I know many people have these that they use when they are showing their work, but as a commissioned artist, well, it has never really been part of my thought process, until now. So I have done a search for some guidelines on this.

Molly Gordon has a section on writing an artists statement on her website. It will really get you thinking. Here is another good example from

Sample of Representative G1 & G2 work 3-6 total samples with introductory remarks to frame the significance of each to your studies.


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