Fall Residency- 2006- Wednesday- TODAY IS THE DAY!
I'll post more photographs later.
Not much to do in the morning and only one meeting this afternoon for graduation. So it is sightseeing morning. I took my daughter to my favorite second hand store in Montpelier. I tried on a wonderful sweater that felt so good. I soon found out it was cashmere. WOW, is that a cool thing. My friends bought it for me for a graduation gift. We fiddled around downtown going in and out of stores and then walked back to campus. Mike, Chris and I then went to Morse farms. Anyone that has not gone to Morse Farms should really check it out. It is pretty close to the school, within driving distance. Chris and I got a maple ice ream, another school tradition. I bought a Vermont baseball cap, a graduation gift to myself. It was so much fun.
After our excursion we came back to the campus ate and got ready for graduation.
Graduation was so much fun.

I love this picture of Chris adjusting my cap, and the pictures of all of us culminators before graduation. The bagpipes brought us in to the chapel.
Graduation ceremonies at Vermont College are always such tearjerkers. We gave the staff and teachers a rose and had two seats vacant, one for Dick Hathaway and one for Charlotte Hastings. We set a rose on their seats as well.
I smiled a lot during graduation, could not help myself. My husband and daughter presented me with my diploma. Filed out and went downstairs for a reception in the TW Woods Gallery. After that we collected the food from the caterers, and went across campus to the Reading room for an after party. I thought the dip brigade was hilarious. Students carrying dip on paper plates.
We had champagne for a toast, wine and other goodies. Then we all took hands and danced around the room to a song about no more school! That started me dancing. I don’t think I stopped until it was over 3 hours later. I have after all been dancing regularly for exercise but did not have the time at residency. I made up for it that evening.
(Oh, when I arrived at the reception there was a note on near my photograph of Dick Hathaway. The gallery had a meeting while we were graduating and passed the motion for the donation money to go through the TW Woods Gallery. I got a diploma and a C3 status for the project at the same time, Too cool!)
Not much to do in the morning and only one meeting this afternoon for graduation. So it is sightseeing morning. I took my daughter to my favorite second hand store in Montpelier. I tried on a wonderful sweater that felt so good. I soon found out it was cashmere. WOW, is that a cool thing. My friends bought it for me for a graduation gift. We fiddled around downtown going in and out of stores and then walked back to campus. Mike, Chris and I then went to Morse farms. Anyone that has not gone to Morse Farms should really check it out. It is pretty close to the school, within driving distance. Chris and I got a maple ice ream, another school tradition. I bought a Vermont baseball cap, a graduation gift to myself. It was so much fun.
After our excursion we came back to the campus ate and got ready for graduation.
Graduation was so much fun.

I love this picture of Chris adjusting my cap, and the pictures of all of us culminators before graduation. The bagpipes brought us in to the chapel.
Graduation ceremonies at Vermont College are always such tearjerkers. We gave the staff and teachers a rose and had two seats vacant, one for Dick Hathaway and one for Charlotte Hastings. We set a rose on their seats as well.
I smiled a lot during graduation, could not help myself. My husband and daughter presented me with my diploma. Filed out and went downstairs for a reception in the TW Woods Gallery. After that we collected the food from the caterers, and went across campus to the Reading room for an after party. I thought the dip brigade was hilarious. Students carrying dip on paper plates.

We had champagne for a toast, wine and other goodies. Then we all took hands and danced around the room to a song about no more school! That started me dancing. I don’t think I stopped until it was over 3 hours later. I have after all been dancing regularly for exercise but did not have the time at residency. I made up for it that evening.
(Oh, when I arrived at the reception there was a note on near my photograph of Dick Hathaway. The gallery had a meeting while we were graduating and passed the motion for the donation money to go through the TW Woods Gallery. I got a diploma and a C3 status for the project at the same time, Too cool!)

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