A reception in Houston for Union Institute?

( Photo of Dr. McKinley and Sculptor Bridgette Mongeon)
A week after graduation and I participated in my first Union Institute & University Alumnae, Alumni, Learners, Faculty and Friends gathering here in Houston. It was wonderful. Besides meeting other people from undergraduate learners to those who have graduated with their PhD’s. I spoke with Union Institute and University president, Roger Sublett. We shared Dick Hathaway stories. Michael D. McKinley, Associate Vice President for Alumni Relations and Advancement and I talked about writing an article for the Alumni newsletter on the Hathaway Project. I was also excited to meet Larry Preston; I believe his title is the Dean of Doctorate studies. I was very interested in asking him if it is at all possible to either skip the masters and proceed right to the doctorate or combine the two. He gave me some names of people to work with concerning this. I would really like to try and do this, I am afraid that by the time I get through the process I could have obtained the masters. As of this date I have decided to proceed with both.
I hope they have more of these gatherings. There is just not enough outside communication in this program. Thank you to Debrah Hall, M.Ed, Ph.D. learner Chair, learner council and Neal Sarahan, Ph.D. for putting on this reception at their incredible Monarch school. The people associated with this University are some of the most interesting people I have ever met.
I asked some questions like-
Can we get more communication between students and even alumni online? I don’t know why this seems to stump people. There is a web site; it seems simple to set up a forum for the site. Spoken as a wife of someone into IT. I also want to know if it is possible to keep my library membership. As I have said before the Gary Library is an incredible resource. I hate to lose it because I have graduated. Many alum from other colleges have these privileges. I wish Union Institute offered it to us.
My goal is to learn more about alumni and the alumni relations add that to my list of things to do. I want to know how I can help and what is available. I’ll keep you posted.
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