Perpetual Learner- The adventure of going back to school

Monday, April 25, 2011


While at the last Goddard College residency I met several students who had written their first draft of their portfolio before going to their G5 residency. This is not required, but I would really like to do this. Hey, after rewriting a 60,000-word novel that should be a breeze. So, when the semester ends, that is exactly what I plan on doing. Semester ends June 13 and residency begins July 21st. That means I have over a month to write my thesis- first draft.

Other suggestions I have found for writing portfolio

  • G3- you are not required to write a G3 practicum report, but some advisors suggested doing that in the G3. This becomes a part of your portfolio.
  • G-1-G-5 Keep annotated bib throughout your time at Goddard. I have also combined my bib at the end of each semester to make that graduating semester easier.
  • G1-G-5 Look at the black books. One advisor suggested looking at 3 black books at each residency. It helps once you meet students at residency and can identify them with their work. For me, that made a world of difference. So, I would suggest to find 3 people in each graduating class that you admire. This is very hard as you only get to meet them for a day. Upon your return you can look up their portfolios. At the time of my graduation 2012 these portfolios will be made available online. I hope you will be able to search by subject, because that would be wonderful. Not only for creating your portfolio but for finding suggestions for books to put on your bibliography. However, if you are one of those people who like to have something in your hands, then it might be a good idea to spend some time in the basement of the library looking at them. In hindsight, I wish I had a couple of days working on mine at least formatting it while in the basement of the library. Bring my computer and sit there and lay it out. I should have done that residency of G4. Maybe this residency, but then I have, hopes I’ll be done with the first draft by that time. I’ll wait to print it out until I’m there. After all, why should I use my paper?
  • I also wrote my novel-using Scrivener. This is a Mac program but is at the time of this writing being made available for PC. With Srivener you can divide up your novel, have a place for research notes and much more. I'm glad I had a semester to work with this program, though it does so much I'll be having to learn a lot to do the thesis on it. I’ll post more about this as I begin to use it for the thesis.
  • My advisor this semester (Erica) said it would be a good idea to look at the degree criteria and do some free thinking writing on each. Looking over each semester’s self evaluation I’m certain will help with this. She suggested we dialogue about these before the semester ends. GREAT IDEA! I really want to get to this before my semester ends. Problem is I fell so compelled to start writing the thesis I’m afraid that if I start dialoguing about it I will have to write, then I lose out on two packets worth of other work. So I am in a quandary. Though I am sure having a dialogue with my advisor would help to write it, maybe that is why you wait until the last semester to write it and not before?

I’ll post more as I head in that direction for completing my G4 and headed into the G5.

Other fall semester dates to note (Packet work August 22- December 5th. Semester ends December 12. ) 2012 semester dates residency February 3-10. Check in February 2, Commencement residency February 3-5 Commencement I GRADUATE February 5th.

Goddard network coming soon

We have received almost all of the money needed to put up the listing of students and alumni for Goddard network. This will be a searchable database. I had hoped I would get to this by the end of April. I will definitely try to designate a couple of days in the next week to begin, as you can see by previous posts I was extremely busy this semester. More to come on Goddard network.

What is happening this G4 semester? The end begins!

This is packet 3 of 5 for my G4 semester. All semester long I have been feeling like, “wow this is my last working semester.” Next semester, I work on my portfolio/thesis. This summer will be my last full residency. Yes, the end begins.

So far it has been a very productive semester. I planned on moving away from the sculpting and digital technology to the other aspect of my graduate study- writing. Though I should mention that for my G2 I combined both and published the book Digital Sculpting in Mudbox: Essential tools and techniques for artists.

For those of you who are just beginning to read this blog I have a dual track. My goal is to receive 18 credit hours in sculpting/digital technology and 18 hours in writing before I graduate. The reason for this is in this blog over and over again. I am in the south- Texas. Here the Southern Board of Colleges expects that I have these designated hours to be able to teach in these two disciplines. So, I have tried to be more focused on how I document and use my time at Goddard.

This semester I am spending time on the writing aspect of my graduate studies. I had begun to write a novel in November of last year, just about last packet. I wanted to rewrite it or do edits on it focusing on “showing not telling.” Editors will say this to writers often. Give me a picture of the place in words, don’t’ tell me about the place. This takes many more words. My goal was to edit and rewrite the entire Young Adult Novel, all 60,000 words. Well, it is packet 3 and I have completed it! Printed out some beta copies for others to read.

The other portion of this semester has been trying to get more into illustration. I have several children’s books that I have written that I would really like to illustrate myself. I have not painted or illustrated anything in years, so I am focusing on that as well.

If your interested in reading more about what I have done this semester details are on my other blogs and podcasts.


More Notes From the SCBWI Regional Conference

Let’s give our youth some honesty when it comes to literature and faith.

Some thoughts on SCBWI speaker Ruth McNally Barshaw

An incredible graphic memoir.


A new illustration- Thank you bunches

Considering illustration and looking at how things have changed.

You will see more illustration on this blog in months to come


Got into the digital technology even though I'm focusing on writing. Commission work using what I have studied at Goddard.

Working through presentations- Daz-Poser-Zbrush-Part 1

Working Through Presentations- Daz-Poser-zbrush-Part 2

The final results of the presentation using Daz, Poser, zBrush and Photoshop.

Very excited about new marketing brochure

Molecular Animation?

How did you do that?

Wow, it is like having an entirely new art tool that makes my work look spectacular!

I’m so intrigued with paper sculpture and this “New” art form.


My young adult novel has a strong faith thread. As part of my novel writing I am trying to investigate the angst of faith. I have a podcast that I record three times a month. Here are some of those that I feel are pertinent to my study.

INSPIRATIONS_0094-Inspirations- Atheist and a Christian in marriage

INSPIRATIONS_0093-Inspirations- Host Bridgette Mongeon, shares her family secret.

INSPIRATIONS_0092 Creative Christians-Epublishing and new trends in publishing

INSPIRATIONS 0090 Generations The physical church needs to change, regroup or it will dissolve

INSPIRATIONS-Interview with poet, singer-songwriter Malcolm Guite

INSPIRATIONS_0087 Inspiration/Generations – Reunion of Faith With Chuck Girard from Love Song