Waking up in Vermont
The students I met on my cab ride are Wendy and Devone. We picked up another student Caroline, who we met in the hall as she peeked out her dorm door. The four of us went downtown to Sarducci’s last night for our meal. (http://www.central-vt.com/web/sarducci/) We also went to the drug store to purchase a bottle of wine for our return trip to the dorm. Sarducci’s gave us kiddie cups to bring back to the dorm to drink from.

Everyone came to my room for a very small nightcap. We were all exhausted. I answered as many questions as I could about the program, and shared experiences with other returning students as they floated in.
After eating breakfast in the cafeteria this morning (the culinary institute had poached eggs and hollandaise sauce, yummy) I went for a walk with Devone. It felt good to get out.

There is snow on the ground or little bits of it. There certainly was snow in the mountains as we were flying over.

This snowman made me laugh.